The State Street markers, which can be found between the 400 and 800 blocks of the main street in Bristol, are made of brass and are inscribed with “Tennessee” on the south side and “Virginia” on the north side.
Originally placed in the middle of the street decades ago, the markers designate the state line, making it a popular location for visitors to grab a photo. After all, there aren’t too many places where you can stand in two states at one time! If you want a picture, just be careful wading out into traffic – although the locals are generally more than happy to stop so you can grab your shot!
Bristol and the brass markers and the Bristol Sign were featured in a Geico television commercial in 2016 that gave the city yet another significant moment in the sun. The Geico lizard was featured standing on the marker, bouncing back and forth, from the Tennessee side of the city to the Virginia side, while claiming to be in “Virginessee” or “Tenniginia.”
Television writer Joe Lawson, who is from Bristol, Tenn., and attended Tennessee High School, obviously knows the city very well. He came up with the idea for creating the Geico commercial while working for The Martin Agency.